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14th Jul 2017
14th Jul 2017
I'm a little looped with the technology of Strangers, and for this I decided to make a standard weapon for the destroyer. It needs some time to heat up. Good to destroy shields.
milimp rsimp


  • _-BlackFoX-_
    14th Jul 2017
    i use GPMP only for Strangers technologies, ang i just forgot to place wall around logo.
  • kerponaut
    14th Jul 2017
    maby you should fix it
  • kerponaut
    14th Jul 2017
    your logo has sufered the effects of your weapon it is messed up
  • kerponaut
    14th Jul 2017
    Replace the bizare whit turned of gravity pump to make it more efective (Armor piersing shots)
  • JanKaszanka
    14th Jul 2017
    Its good agaisnt armored Infantry (With TTAN armor). It electrocutes them
  • _-BlackFoX-_
    14th Jul 2017
    Try to make ELEC laser that can melt something, then downvote.
  • SuperJoshiDuff
    14th Jul 2017
    it isnt really good... -1
  • kerponaut
    14th Jul 2017
    (Note) maby not that useless but P-Type silicon armor is pretty resilient
  • kerponaut
    14th Jul 2017
    Making the beam out of electrons makes it useless against metal armoring or glass because it gets absorbet... (exscuse me) by them.
  • Nean
    14th Jul 2017
    Electron laser?