That does sound like some Decent Advice
As your (former?) advisor, I can advise you to not use any form of government or the like that has been proven through history to have failed (communism, socialism, etc.). P.S, badgers ftw!
I hope the Fact that Many See me as the Main antagonist does not negatively affect the future relations of our empires
sorry about the Mini-novel I Just Threw At you
Well with a name like "Dr. Ivo Robotnik" and an Army Trying to take over the world? I'm The Best! Totally A Hero! But then that Good-for-nothing Hedgehog Sonic showed up! He Always ruins my inventions! I started off good. Helping little defenseless animals by giving them Cool Robot Armor! but Sonic apparently did not like this, so he destroyed them all, after a while, I couldn't just let this sort of this slide, so I took matters into my own hands. the Rest, as they say, is History.