Ok, I'll fix that mistake...
i research gold/silver working,and i want to see what i have researched.
Before the update i had 9 rp + 3 = 12 - 10 = 2 so why only 0?
finally i research cultism.
and i make vaana paft of my territory once for last :'v
i will let new vaana stand there, as no offenses are Made and the peninsula invaded
finally :'v i vive proper burial to all warriors,both vaanian and arkandian, salvage techs and resources from the ruina and rebuild them, also i focus most resources possible to reestabilize arkandia, and the tamers sended with husbandry + should have finished taming winter wolves.
I research Town Structures and build a Town X:467 Y:120
well.. ok. you told me to choose from 3 new but you added 4 so... ok