Greetings DrBrick, Dr Robotnik Here. I'm sorry to inform you that the city you recently invaded was already under the Egg Empire. However,due to my incredibly incompetent army,I hope that this will not lead to any larger conflicts, have a nice day.
Eggman invaded this first. I saw his save, then Dr Brick did, then he re-invaded. Pretty much.
and what?
This New Device! Id:2151359
and what?
My Robots are equipped with Blast Proccessors!
ah come on! You have 2 invasion saves? ahh... 21 may?! but... but... aghhh... Okey, you've confused me, but you can't stop B.E.!
Aghahaha!!! You invide that city first than i?! Ha-ha-ha-ha, very funny. I attacked it on 1st april, you attacked it 3rd june! You never heard about dates?! Now take your army, and go away, or I will destroy you!
ME?! Seizing YOUR possessions?! I Invaded This city first! Then You Invaded it!
@brick i need to inform you that Therian Empire is not able to help you with the war, we have a pretty small but important civil war ongoing. Sorry