53 / 4
26th May 2017
26th May 2017
I have no idea how I've managed to ignore this until now. Turns out that if the tmp of CONV is not 0, it only converts particles whose type equals its tmp. You can basically tell CONV(PSCN) to only convert SPRK and CONV(SPRK) to only convert PSCN.
subframe z5padding z4everyone z3thanks z2tags z1more z0no layering conv z6padding


  • T4chy0n
    26th May 2017
    I just tested it, well, seems to actually work, may not be stacking them, but it shoots a lot more particles.
  • T4chy0n
    26th May 2017
    Hmm, that'd have been quite a laser though, lol.
  • T4chy0n
    26th May 2017
    Ah, ok, thanks.
  • LBPHacker
    26th May 2017
    And no, they wouldn't shoot stacked particles. As particles have no notion of stacks, they can't stack by themselves, only the user can do that.
  • T4chy0n
    26th May 2017
    K, thanks, and, and three of them would shoot, making a stacked laser, right?
  • LBPHacker
    26th May 2017
    Nope, a single INWR would be sufficient. Particles can be stacked but have no notion of a stack, so only the top particle of a stack is visible to any other particle. If you have three CRAYs stacked and there's an INWR on one side, all CRAYs will notice it. If you were trying to delete the three CRAYs with DRAY however, only one would be deleted as the DRAY would only see the CRAY on top.
  • T4chy0n
    26th May 2017
    And, would the CRAYs actually shoot stacked particles?
  • T4chy0n
    26th May 2017
    So, if I were to stack CRAY, would I need to stack INWR and wifi too, to make them all get sparked?
  • T4chy0n
    26th May 2017
  • LBPHacker
    26th May 2017
    Well, not exactly at once. There is an order to what happens. The ARAY is on the bottom, above it there's a CONV(PSCN) (yes, PSCN, not METL, derp) and a CONV(SPRK). The "stack" (that's what we call a bunch of particles on top of one another) is evaluated from top to bottom, the the ARAY shoots first and then the CONVs ... convert :P