54 / 0
10th May 2017
10th May 2017
Behind the great shield wall lies the vertical city of Batumkh Gompa, religious core of the antitractionist people; it is a green place with rich forests and lush farms. Peppered with the heavy metal industry of war, its defence against the cities.
tractioncity flags trees city detailed mortalengines traction antitraction


  • PortalPlayer
    13th May 2017
    muffinconsumer: Well, I thought it was pretty clear I was emulating his/her style, but without any spelling errors. Or should I say, muffinconsumer: You tried to make a snarky remark to a snarky remark to a snarky remark but you forgot to put in any commas to break up the clauses.
  • mateusmaximus
    13th May 2017
    RandomUser: You tied to make a snarky remark to a snarky remark to a snarky remark to a snarky remark, but you included a full stop in "make." where it was not needed
  • RandomUser
    12th May 2017
    muffinconsumer: You tried to make a snarky remark to a snarky remark to a snarky remark, but you mispelled "make." (Is this some sort of new game?)
  • muffinconsumer
    12th May 2017
    PortalPlayer: You tried to me a snarky remark to a snarky remark but you forgot to capitalize "Dude" since it starts a sentence.
  • PortalPlayer
    12th May 2017
    thecultist: dude you tried to make a snarky remark but you didn't use the correct "you're" nor spell "didn't" properly.
  • cats15
    12th May 2017
    Missing *Airfield*
  • thecultist
    12th May 2017
    dude you said your intelligent and you diden't spell intelligent properly.
  • sentinal-5
    12th May 2017
    Woah that seems just right for an intelligont guy like me! where can i give you my pin and account number to sign up by clicking this link?
  • blk
    11th May 2017
    You seem intelligent, you should steal cars instead of working. Selling stolen cars to african warlords is a pretty hot business right now, mate.
  • sentinal-5
    11th May 2017
    that's the idea ^-^ they're buddhist prayer flags. thanks btw :D it means a lot to know my work is appreciated!