18th Apr 2017
18th Apr 2017
As He peacefully walks through the forest, illuminating the ground with His glowing heart, the sky lights up with stars that He leaves behind, like a trail of his journey.
in fact mononoke most closer translation is "avenger spirit" or something, i searched it long ago :,v
ALso Nice work! I remember seeing this 6 years ago.
m3mggl: I think liuha is referring to a basic translation of the word mononoke. It has a similiar meaning to monster. Not quite but almost... I found this out when seeing Monoko and Monoe.
OH NO, when I unfroze time his heart exploded now all the forests will die
mononoke? it really resembles the forest spirit in that animation
there is no god. (or forests if your in trumps america)
@liuha princess Monsters? the frick is that shet
reminds me vaguely of the princess mononoke night walker :,v +1
the forest god burns the forest when unpaused
Hmm, I know the one who is the God of the Forests? It's a character from the anime cartoon Princess Monsters, there for his head hunted some tribe, I can't remember why his head they were necessary. But if thats not it then I don't know who it is, just the deer shown here is very similar to the Forest God from Princess Monsters.