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10th Apr 2017
11th Apr 2017
Hey. I encourage all rights of everyone. Why do you think I said what I said in the sign. Be sure to comment and let me know.


  • 83bismuth
    11th Apr 2017
    my responsse? to feminism? id:2125636
  • R33sesK1ng
    11th Apr 2017
    Whereas the male, having his testosterone, would be more likely to stay at work and do more hours than the female. Because of our hormones, we can handle the stress of working better than women can. It is a biological fact. There have even been tests run on chimps.
  • R33sesK1ng
    11th Apr 2017
    Say there are two co-workers (one being a male and the other, female) and they have the same exact job. The female's daughter has a piano recital and the male's daughter also has a piano recital. Because the female's estrogen encourages nurturing behavior, the woman is more likely to take hours off to see the piano recital for her daughter to support her.
  • R33sesK1ng
    11th Apr 2017
    @mecha, yes, that is true. One, it is actually spelled TESTOSTERONE. Two, another point to add on is the fact that the wage gap is a myth. See, people miss the fact that because of our hormones, like testosterone and estrogen, we tend to work different hours than each other.
  • mecha
    10th Apr 2017
    Also equalitarianism is a thing. google it.
  • mecha
    10th Apr 2017
    The wage gap doesn't include the jobs that are more appealing to men - aka testosterome-fueled jobs like being in an army or being a fireman - testosterome is what seperates a man's personality from a woman's; more "manliness". These jobs pay more as you are usally endangering your life working in these jobs.
  • Saturn510Shark
    10th Apr 2017
    Yes, it does strait up feminism.
  • R33sesK1ng
    10th Apr 2017
    Is the 'wage-gap' between men and women a myth? Do you think it is sexist to say that men deserve to be killed or in concentration camps? Does that make you a femenist? Plz comment to let me know...