After the SS Imperial crash landed on an ancient city, decades passed before the ancestors of the crew repaired vital systems and took to the stars again. It's now 75 years later, running low on fuel and starting to get crowded.
This is one the the best starships ive seen here, not only that but it is one of the most durable! 1+
Nice! 1+
Looks like you ripped off a random Sovereign-class battleship from Star Trek :l
virs is the ultimate alien weapon
@TheNik Absolutely. :D
I like how the fuel tank works. I've been looking for fuel concepts that are neither explosive (i.e. lots of fuel used up suddenly) nor infinite (i.e. clones and similar) but at the same time take a few minutes to run out. The compressed DEUT accomplishes all of these beatifully and with some modification I am sure I could make it suit my needs. May I copy the concept, with credit?
Visit the user Halsey please!
omg put some virus on it xD
Very cool! I just started watching star trek all over again too, to boot.