To join comment a city name(Your Own), and location. You can only expand every 1 hour(if im online). You can unite 2 cities to become stronger and take over other cities. Credit to Avi
@Squishi Cities help your terrtiory communicate, reiceve money. Millarty bases control the prodution of tanks. More bases and tanks, stronger you are. Roads and highways connect all together
It turns out what was in the sealed package can be replicated, and will be such. I continue to expand for more cities for production, and build a new wave of military bases on the outskirts of my influence
if someone could explain that to me id be greatfull
quick Question, what are the rules to building citys, bases, roads, etc?
Greenland, north pole, Ireland
Expand To the north
Expand more to the north
I found many towns and make more of the newest model tank, and some artillary tanks as well to rain seige on enemy units and cities.
Expand North
expand west build city on east