To join comment a city name(Your Own), and location. You can only expand every 1 hour(if im online). You can unite 2 cities to become stronger and take over other cities. Credit to Avi
New tamriel Nationwide starting at the beginning of history, ID:2260539
id:2207030 is a good map
i wanna expand to the whole coastline of the sea surrounding my island, taking over any territory that may or may not be in my way
I rapidly expand outward, taking out all enemies in my path for domination.
Firgemon in the west of russia
expand south
I also make some more special soldiers equiped with the speial weapon I spent a while researching, and that you @apple helped me make as well near the beginning of this. This is for the post below, but it got too long.
I make even more tanks using the newly built factories, making more tank destoyer, and arty, but even more heavier tanks as well. I hit Portugal hard with the curret fleets of ships and tanks and plan on it's capture and integration with the country. I start to also lightly seige on Italy for the moment while my vast majority of war machines are being used.
i keep expanding at a constant, slow, pace, while building more tanks and navy ships
Expand East