I've had this for a while, but just publihed it now cause' why not.
Well that's a good thing :) Also @SuperJoshiDuff I don't really know much about subframe, I know it's like super fast electronics, but I feel like it can't be applied to this particular randomizer. I also searched for 'subframe randomizer and didn't see any. But hey, there's a challenge for someone.
this save made me a little smarter +1
subframe plz :P
If it was faster, we could make laser machine gun! +1
now that's what I call random
A randomizer that randomly selects randomizers.
O my yes it did and thanks :)
you got my vodte bud. (I think I put you on fp)
It looks similar to Sandwhichlizard's randomizer but I made it myself. Over a year ago.