funny how my brother's "Art" Actually got FP. Prolly due to the "Art" Aspect. The way he made is was he got a bunch of explosions and shown me and said it was art.
yeah, but some saves, like id:2098945 , should be on FP more times !
KingVampyre has been belittling saves from people just starting out and thinks it is alright to do so. Should we do something towards the end of showing this player that that kind of behavior will not be accepted or is letting that slide the best option? I think the underdogs will appreciate a group standing up for them.
stop ! that bad saves wich are always on FP, stop !!! Please, stop, Mr moderators ! There are 3 types of saves on FP : The very bad ones (...) , the little good ones wich stay on FP more than 5 months (!!!) and finally, the rarest, the VERY GOOD SAVES wich never stay a long time. Please, do something !
Wort Poop Ever Stop With Bad Saves At FP