8 / 0
29th Jan 2017
15th Jan 2018
Has the power of a destroyer, destroyer being replaced by Dreadnought. RIP destroyer :(


  • cikat2
    10th May 2018
    i am disappointed by the low quality and unnecessary bulkiness of this ship
  • cikat2
    19th Oct 2017
    Sad thing is, a singularity charge causes an anomaly in the warp coils and melts the entire ship.
  • cikat2
    27th Aug 2017
    herp: this is my first torpedo system, don't blame me if it's sucky
  • cikat2
    13th Feb 2017
    The torpedoes are supposed to get the shield matter in the head, to prevent random debris from activating the trigger. Speed and shield deployment is the problem. @the_new_powder99999 gave a tip to layer the emitters. I don't know how to speed up the torpedoes.
  • herp
    8th Feb 2017
  • herp
    8th Feb 2017
    and then the shields need to be pwered back up, and an enemy can attack at any possible moment with laser fire. and the torpedos move so slow, the enemy could shoot them down WAY before they reached their target. What you need are 3 things: an efficient shield system that doesnt take so long to power down/up, a efficient "power down the shields, launch torpedo, power them back up" system, and better torpedo speed.
  • herp
    8th Feb 2017
    2 major flaws with this: torpedo speed and shields. the shields take WAY too long to power down; an enemy could easily launch and assualt while they are powering down/up. And the torpedos need to be launched as soon as the shields are down(shield matter gets in the way of the warhead)(cont.)
  • cikat2
    5th Feb 2017
    and thanks for the layered alloy you made
  • cikat2
    5th Feb 2017
    Thanks for the shields tip :)
  • cikat2
    5th Feb 2017
    I changed the plasma cannons to BRAY because beams are nice and focused