@kaasci There are 2 Great Wars in the Fallout Series The Great War (WW1) and The Great War (WW3 in 2077)
Kaasci, this is the "Great War" from the Fallout series.
@ kaasci, maybe he/she wasn't "re-enacting" the Great War you're thinking of.
'The great war' starded in 1914 not 2077.
*Shut up* Wow, that was embarasing lol.
Calm down, it's just a fun game/map, now shup up.
There is multiple flaws with this map. The first being that the Brotherhood wasn't able to reach far from their homebase without branching out into a million different sects. Take the capital wasteland, for example, where the BOS has seperated into two distinct groups, and a lot of different sects. Second; there is no motive to move buisness into Houston, so the Lucky 38 II would've never been built by House. Third, House was immediately sedated the day the Great War started/ended, so he would've been unable to announce its opening. He had no need to open another casino, as he knew the end was comming, it would've been seen as a waste of money compared to the life support system he built to keep him alive.
Peaple should read the description before they go and point out flaws.
its called dyslexia and does it look like i give a damn????