4 / 2
23rd Nov 2016
23rd Nov 2016
one of the few Mega soap worms. it can crush 20 Trucks in only a few minutes! watch out, it could crush you in 3 seconds flat with its huge tentacles! lenth: 30-63 meters Wheight(bad speling):4852 lbs


  • TheScienceKid
    25th Nov 2016
    hope that helps!
  • TheScienceKid
    24th Nov 2016
    @AutoExplode first you place the gas of your choice, then you have to make a blob of soapworm soap (there is a special LUA element i downloaded which makes that easy, you should try to find it, its the soapworm mod) and set the tmp to 0, it has to be on an empty save of the soap will connect to the first pixel placed, which you dont want. if you want to do it on a non-empty save, press "D" and find the pixel number of the gas and set the tmp to that number (example: gass number=50, tmp=50)
  • AutoExplode
    23rd Nov 2016
    Teach me
  • msasterisk
    23rd Nov 2016
    Woah there
  • agent420
    23rd Nov 2016
    it's head looks like a "head". +1