16th Nov 2016
17th Nov 2016
Growth! Trade! Mining! Temple! Gold! Shinies! Wehee!
why is there a swastika in the ground made of coal?
@kerponaut Thank you for your comment! I refer to the comments thread of Wax Village Ep. I: I'm just some dude on the internetz, don't expect accuracy pls :) Actually Pu does ocurr naturally but in neglegible quantities, but if I can find space I will make sure to get labs and nuclear stuffs into the town. Had planned to nuke it at some point, after all.
you could then when you get to the 70s make some laboratorys where thy make this plutonium.
Just saying but in ral life there is no plutonium in the ground. the plutonium is made in laboratorys where they shoot hevy elements whit neutrons example differnt isotopes of uranium so you should take the plutonium out of the ground and but uranium to its place.
*curses* Stop dumb FP algortihm!