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9th Nov 2016
9th Nov 2016
It seems there is alot of people here that like the idea of globalism(Not sure if you guys even understand what that means). We here in America want to focus on our nation, we have enough problems of our own.


  • Thorium
    9th Nov 2016
    I can tell you that you're wrong but you wouldn't believe me. Like I said you're from Australia and you've been lied to by every main stream news network they were all working for Hillary and it's quite easy to see. Thinking Trump is lke Hitler and Mussolini is incredibly foolish again you don't know what you're talking about because of how many lies you've seen for years of the news thinking for you - I don't blame you.
  • minecraft-physics
    9th Nov 2016
    While we're at it, erasing the DMND wall means that STKM is surrounded by fighters, but never actually gets harmed by them.
  • minecraft-physics
    9th Nov 2016
    but as soon as these countries ask for something back, it's all "We're too weak to support it"
  • Langtons_Human
    9th Nov 2016
    alot of people here would disagree so heads up 'cuz you'll be berated here by europeans and "immigrants" alike
  • minecraft-physics
    9th Nov 2016
    The 'open borders' idea is a pathetic fear campaign, a figament of the fevered right-wing imagination. Virtually all of the shooters in American schools have been white (gasp) anglo-saxon protestants. Trump's victory is the result of his ability to whip up a nationalistic frenzy of fear that can be quite reasonably compared to the likes of Mussolini and Hitler. Globalisation has breoght enormous wealth and prosperity to America (McDonald's in Saudi Arabia, Apple stores in Hong Kong)