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9th Nov 2016
9th Nov 2016
It seems there is alot of people here that like the idea of globalism(Not sure if you guys even understand what that means). We here in America want to focus on our nation, we have enough problems of our own.


    17th Apr 2017
    Thorium, let's build a great wall around you
  • ohyeah2389
    14th Dec 2016
    Exactly. +1
  • Thorium
    9th Nov 2016
    Peace all I'm going to bed.
  • Thorium
    9th Nov 2016
    And again I can see why so many people hate Trump I'm not arguing about it, it's true. That's what the news does to people when they don't want them to win. They demonize people they can't porperally control. Our government is rotten to the core.
  • Thorium
    9th Nov 2016
    I respect all of you but I'm honestly trying to tell you how it is - Or for you to see it how we see it. Our government is out of control Trump is going to fix it for us.
  • Thorium
    9th Nov 2016
    I can also tell you she is backed by saudi arabia as well as George Soros and Monsanto. All very messed up people. We the people here wanted nothing to do with any of that corruption. We also like Trump because HE SAYS IT HOW IT IS. We're sick of the PC/SJWS and feminists here that always whine about every little damn thing. Trump was our best choice.
  • Thorium
    9th Nov 2016
    But I can tell you everything you see on the news about him is crap. Not to mention we didn't want a POTUS here that doesn't KNOW WHAT C MEANS ON AN EMAIL, THAT COMPROMISED OUR NATIONAL SECURITY. That's serious stuff here and she got away with it. It's obvious to most of us that she is a criminal. Sorry if you feel differently but it's the truth.
  • Thorium
    9th Nov 2016
    Not sure how to make it easier to understand for you, but unless you live here you really have no idea. Hillary would of caused a war can't we agree to be happy about that? Life is precious to me and protecting our people is important to me. Sorry you guys don't like Trump and I really don't blame you guys because all the media does is portray him as a joke or a tyrant.
  • Thorium
    9th Nov 2016
    Alot more europeans are for Trump than you think. It's all the demonizing of Trump that the media does is what makes him toxic to people. Speaking of scare fear campaign that's all they did to Trump is make him out to be something he isn't.
  • Thorium
    9th Nov 2016
    There is a reason our military backs Trump, it's quite simple. We don't want a war. We also do not want anyone coming to OUR country trying to change our way of life.