200 / 13
21st Oct 2016
22nd Oct 2016
it works! dont add too much in there it might broke!
antimatter containment unit funny person bkhs oshaviolation


  • MichelleMarkham
    29th Dec 2023
    shield... and antigravity containment technology 4 paralell universes ahead of you
  • MitosisPrime1
    17th Dec 2023
    this can handle a neutron blast what wizardry have you used
  • MichelleMarkham
    16th Jul 2023
    Oh yeah, if there appears to be stuff disappearing in the room, or the room that houses your Unit ceases to be, this can be solved by exiting the room. Very quickly. Preferably get to the minimum safe distance of being on the moon.
  • MichelleMarkham
    16th Jul 2023
    Buy our new personal antimatter containment unit for 5.99$! Warranty void if used to contain antimatter.
  • kerponaut
    5th Jun 2023
    I have no glue what you guys are on about. But id highly recomend that you fact check yourselfs and also stop mistaking parts of antimatters properties with negative mass properties. Also antimatter can be contained in a vacuum chamber with magnetic containment and this has already been done in real life. Of course not in scales like this.
  • Yim_The_Muon
    21st Sep 2022
    Since charge must be conserved it is impossible for two photons (0+0 charge) to to combine into a positron or electron (-1 or +1 charge). And since matter is just like antimatter in almost every way, it is possible to contain it.
  • Yim_The_Muon
    20th Sep 2022
    Actually, photons can spontaneously decay into an electron positron pair which can annihalate back into a photon. Antimatter can destroy itself? What's stopping regualr matter which is mostly mirrored to matter in every way from annihalting itself too?
  • BuddyBoy
    30th Aug 2022
  • DaCuteRaccoon
    28th Jul 2022
    oh right, because this is a video game, so it's pretty unrealistic
  • DaCuteRaccoon
    28th Jul 2022
    Why aren't there photons? When gamma rays (photons) undergo nuclear decay and collide into each other they form positrons (antielectrons). Then they annihilate each other and go back to photon gamma radiation. How is it possible to contain antimatter without it destroying itself and decaying?