Best Thing Ever! ++++++++++1
@arlo things that happen between the frame, and gives the output or result every frame, instead of every 4 frames in standard electronics
Call me stupid but... what is subframe?
Also @danieldan0, the touch part of the screen doesn't really add to the size. The bulk of the per-pixel circuitry is the colour handling.
Try to make a game in this.
@The8BitPotato Before the GoL, the GPU does a technical demo which runs through all available features: multiple colours, single bit shifts (that's the shrinking green box), random number generation, 16 read/write registers, arbitrary boolean operations, then a short general demo. I can't loop yet, so it only runs 17 frames of GoL (max I can fit into the RAM) before going back to the start and showing the demo again.
Holy goodness. The great mark2222 has returned with a lovely architecture. 16 "cores"? I'll assume you've had quite the trip in studying to organize this system to be this supposedly compact.