@Guillian, TPT is a magical place. I just woke up thinking I'm a human but it turns out I'm not. At least my eyes are not human.
but its not just refresh rate in TPT it is litterally how fast the simulation runs for example my plottter running at 145 fps finishes the run more than twice as fast as if its running at 60 fps. it makes a giant difference. I would like to build a rediculous pc some day maybe. run saves at 800 fps.
Our eyes can't distinguish the difference between 60 FPS and 80 FPS, so it is estimated that our eyes run at about 60 refreshes per second.
Yes. Clock speed is usually unrelated to FPS because the calculations can process much faster than the display can refresh. In TPT, however, one screen "calculation" is done per frame, meaning that every object is updated once every frame. 30 FPS and up is usually what my computer can handle (it's not the best :P), so things are usually slower on mine than on most of yours, which use ~60 FPS.
In other games, FPS is only how fast the screen registers info, it slows down with slower cards and CPUs because it can't keep up with the calculations being done, and frames must be skipped to maintain an even "simulation speed."
TPT uses FPS differently than other games. The frame rate is literally how fast the simulation progresses. So, 1 FPS is literally one screen computation per second. At 500, there are 500 screen computations per second. That means a piece of DUST falling from top to bottom will take about 3/4 of a second, as opposed to 5-6 at 60 FPS and lower.
I thought art got kicked from front page eventually..?
@Dzeni No, humans see the world at around 60 frames per second which is why most games and videos run at that framerate. Something like a fly is much higher (slow-mo) at around 240 fps if I remember right.