77 / 14
19th Jul 2016
17th Oct 2018
A small solar system model with a LIFE Sun. Includes the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, the Asteroid Belt, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. All handmade by me. Took a total time of 20 minutes to make. Distances and sizes not to scale.
solarsystem neptune uranus saturn jupiter mars earth venus mercury planet


  • TheArchitect
    20th Jul 2016
    Security-Drone! You are back! Please stay!
  • Security-Drone
    20th Jul 2016
    This is easy and simple to make and thats why I like it! You can do so much with simple Items! :D
  • FuriousWeasel
    20th Jul 2016
    The moons Ganymede and Titan would be pretty close to being 2x2 pixels big since both are around 40% the diameter of earth.
  • powderskye
    20th Jul 2016
    Some of them I don't even know are real.
  • powderskye
    20th Jul 2016
    I've decided, and no, sorry. Making an accurate J1407-b would be extremely hard, as there are so many different pictures out there of it.
  • bomxacalaka
    20th Jul 2016
    kd os br dessa poha
  • powderskye
    20th Jul 2016
    Saturn: i haz a rings :> J1407-B: i haz a moar rings :D Saturn: -.- lol
  • powderskye
    20th Jul 2016
    I'm still deciding, because it would require a fairly large amount of work considering all of its ring systems. I also try to make planets as accurate as I possibly can, making it a hard job.
  • __FabianPL__
    19th Jul 2016
    i heard about the Planet too.
  • __FabianPL__
    19th Jul 2016
    so, will you make the planet i Requested?