11th Jul 2016
11th Jul 2016
A device smaller than the "smallest" replicator.
I can get the PSTN DRAY heads to 4x6 or 5x5, it could be 4x5 if I could get the DRAY copier to ignore a single pixel.
Well done! +1
I tried making the PSTN DRAY heads wider and shorter, and it interferes with conductivity unless you make it a lot wider, which is kind of pointless because you can only make it a bit smaller.
Is it better to shrink it in any direction? I could probably make it shorter at the expense of making it slightly wider.
I managed to shrink the circuitry slightly, but that's about all I could do without using a completely new concept.
I'm working on making this even smaller, and my design looks really similar to this. I think we're starting to reach the minimum size for these things.
Yes! Also, would you like to join the SFPI project? (Sorry about the fighting earlier)
Thank you Kevino36! Is it possible to use this in some future SFPI projects?
This is pretty cool! +1