11th Jul 2016
11th Jul 2016
A device smaller than the "smallest" replicator.
There were a few made that were smaller than this, none were realliy signaficantly smaller though. I think we need something new to make smaller, perhaps ID:2014974
I made an improved version of this type too, which is a few pixels smaller.
It seems fair to say that it is the smallest, but not the smallest of this type.
It is reusable.
Well it leaves it behind and then it's not functional anymore. It should be reusable.
@xteric the stuff it leaves behind is basically part of it. What it's doing is creating a duplicator behind it to duplicate it, kind of how PSTN duplicators push a duplicator behind themselves. It definetly should qualify.
How did you stop this < one from breaking half the time?
I put another one at the top of ID:2012730 Although it doesn't seem to work all of the time, and isn't quite 8x11.
Well, you could include the stuff that it leaves behind as a part of it and it would still work.