6th Jul 2016
17th Jul 2016
A indestructible bunker. Resists all kind of attacks, VIRS, DEST, BOMB, VIBR, DMG, SING, AMTR, DEUT, PLUT, NEUT, PROT, WARP and many others. You can use any part of this creation only if you give credit. Last but not least: Enjoy!
i used completely vanilla elements and still broke it in less than five seconds
good think void with ligh ctype izoltes it
@ItsMyStupidNick123, @SwagMamba: Yeah, I know about bombs that can destroy the bunker, I want fix that but I'm not sure about what to use. Thanks for comment!
um.... i totally annihlated everything inside, but the structure itself was still left. Does that still count lol
destroyed! ID:2056828
i forget about conv super acid
ligh,dray can easily destroy it (dray can even destroy dmnd)
Thanks everyone for the feedback! I'll use it to build a better bunker @msasterisk: It's destroyable with BOMB,DEST,SING and WARP, this bunker is intended to reist "cheat" elements.
It's also possible by AMTR flicking, doing that fast enough can erease the MERC