16th Jun 2016
21st Jun 2016
Electromagnetic radiation whose wavelength lies in the region between approximately 10 nanometers and 10-2. It was the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (1845-1923) who first detected, November 8, 1895.
We already have somethimg like Alpha and Beta-rays. Alpha rays are ionized He-cores (noble gas), and Beta-Rays are accelerated electrons. Both is possible with TPT. Also an element that's exposed to ionizing-radiation didn't start to emit rays by itself. Only a few Elements are becoming a radioactive when exposed by ionizing-radiation only, normally you have to add neutrons to make an element unstable. For example: Co59 + 1n + E>7.8Mev = Co60; Co60 is a radioactive, emitting beta and gamma rays.
@Mur, Yeah, if they could add some sort of wave of changing the spectrum or something. Also, what if Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation was also added, all al seprate elements in radioactive. They mabey could iradiacte things, or do completly diffrent things.
@Mur Is a satisfaction to receive your cometary in my saves. You are one of the great in TPT. I have based on your flow Capacitor and his Tesla coil to create mine, as well as some electronics. Thanks for the visit.
@camtech56, thanks you for your visit e comment.
@choruseye: x-rays are just photons of a wavelength much smaller than that of visible light. That said, TPT could have photons in wavelengths out of the visible spectrum (radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma rays)
Needs more Tungsten.
@choruseye,thank you for your visit and comment.
Tpt needs to add X rays to the radioactive ategory in an upcoming update, that would be really nice!
@dragonbeater89l, sorry did not get his comment, but even so, thanks for visiting.
@ThePowderTool, thanks for comment and vote.