Space craft equiped with ion-drive perpulsion, plant based life support, anti-gravity shielding, electrode mercury generator, mining laser, improved hull and negative pressure tractor beam with attached storage unit. Seats one comfortably.
@jaml96 i see what you mean and it still has a cooldown period. Very nice!
If anyone wants to test these improved lasers, then id:1978429. If Vondaniel wishes, I will take the save down. I have given full credit in the save.
I also made an improvement that might be useful if you decide to keep the laser at it's current power level (id:1978396). It's a simple automation circuit, just so that you don't have to hold the button to continually fire. +1, by the way.
@jaml96: I agree. The laser is too underpowered, even for mining. It just barely melts anything.
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Yes, I understand that, I am just testing to see what could be used for more effective for mining. After further testing ive found that one of the best substitutes for the tungsten would be COAL. Even max temp arays can not harm the coal and neither can the beam. I like that version because it still means the ship can be destroyed, while making the beam more effective.
i agree the laser is underpowered, but it is for mining. Not intended to melt metal and when used in pulses it can heat things to about 3000c. It takes a while to do that. If/when it gets a weapon i will use a better method for the laser.
I think the laser should be a bit hotter, It can not even melt metal right now. Ive experimented and have found that replacing the tungsten with goo and making the arays hotter makes it a bit better at melting stuff. That is of course not perfect but yeah.
@BetaGuy it's for a rpg game we are playing on here, if you want to add wifi buttons it'll be super easy to do. Just not what i'm going to do.
@VonDaniel: No arguement about improvments here. I think im gonna try again with the tractor beam, and give up on the engines. But I dunno.