Space craft equiped with ion-drive perpulsion, plant based life support, anti-gravity shielding, electrode mercury generator, mining laser, improved hull and negative pressure tractor beam with attached storage unit. Seats one comfortably.
You can make a more efficient Tractor beam with ISOZ and Photons. I think.
Good thing you are not the one piloting the ship!
I don't even know where the buttonss are.
I think this will be better when you make is move :D
I'd love to see more saves in this scale, with guys this size that fit. 5x5 heads w/ gel inside, body and legs 4 long, arms 3 long...
2 things: first, not every item has an use in life, some things are just cool and second, it melts ice pretty okay.
lol yeah, ice is one of the most destructive forces on earth.
Worst save ever. Who needs this? It has problems even with ice.
I'm now using coal for the laser instead of tung.