8 / 2
30th Mar 2016
30th Mar 2016
A dwarf, compared to its grandfather, the Red Giant. Start it up by shooting photons at it until it reproduces photons. Now just sit back and watch your Red Dwarf (trademark) come to life!
star reddwarf


  • electriclance
    3rd Apr 2016
    By using the term "grandfather", i am trying to say that the Red Giant save is its predecessor. I am also trying to say that the Red Giant save is older than the age of this current save, not the real life age. And of course i am aware that red giants have much shorter lives than red dwarves.
  • PokeMinecraft14
    30th Mar 2016
    It's grandfather, the red giant? It seems somebody forgot how long stars live. Red giants only live a few million years. Red dwarves can live for billions to trillions of years. Almost all red dwarves are FAR older than all red giants.
  • 12Me21
    30th Mar 2016
    *INVS I mean
  • 12Me21
    30th Mar 2016
    you could use this id:1816519 reaction to make a neutron star. When neutrons travel through GLAS and NEUT, they get duplicated somehow.
  • 12Me21
    30th Mar 2016
    you can start pretty easily by doing ctrl+shift+click with photons.
  • electriclance
    30th Mar 2016
    Thanks! I'll try making one.
  • Christhebla
    30th Mar 2016
    Try making a neutron star. +1