This is a nationwide, tell me witch state or territory you want
I create hospitals in all th cities and start to investigate the disease
ps: you missed the new city and oil dep and 4 small scout bases (scroll down)
All units on high alert, advanced hospital constucted in 2 cities, new factory for tanks at bunker built. Small towns vary size in Sa and are nearly all over the place. SAMs installed in each town.
ALERT! disease starts in WA!!
NW status: to much city reqeasts and camp and army reqeasts to handle, risk of shutting NW down.
to much pressure
ill just build auto
I start building factories to build planes, tanks, and boats. Also, sorry for spelling your name wrong, Long.
I am TheLongGuy,no the long man
And the bunker now has expanded again and has 2 installed nuclear silo's ready on command.