41 / 2
17th Jan 2016
12th May 2016
KerbinWide is a Nationwide RPG that opened 1/31/16, and closed 3/9/16. Thank you <3
buynordiccoal giantponies nationwide nation betterthanwow dinosaurs vacuumairship kerbal 2015 onparwithwow


  • Windspren
    10th Mar 2016
    Didn't I get rich from that huge coal deposit though? And I'm offering them whatever I find in Cody's treasury once they capture his capital.
  • Avi_
    10th Mar 2016
    Kevino, if you buy that many mercenaries your everything will have no money, maybe you could buy 5k.
  • Windspren
    10th Mar 2016
    I also offer the mercenaries positions in my army, and the best ones get to join my elite guard.
  • Windspren
    10th Mar 2016
    Oblit, will you send me some troops to fight Cody with?
  • Windspren
    10th Mar 2016
    I hire the mercenaries, send 10k to fight Cody on the front lines and send the other 10k to invade his capital. I pay the ones attacking his capital with money along with letting them keep whatever's in Cody's treasury. I also let them know that if anyone tries to hire them to attack me, I will match their price to hire them to fight the person.
  • Avi_
    10th Mar 2016
    he has 8k pop you have 18k (By default your army is 1/3rd of your pop)
  • Obliterator
    10th Mar 2016
    how much does zork pop.(soldiers) have compared to my pop.
  • Obliterator
    10th Mar 2016
    im sick of negotiating
  • Obliterator
    10th Mar 2016
    i march up to his capital and hold it hostage until he gives me my land
  • Obliterator
    10th Mar 2016
    i say zork you go colonize at 537 317 or more south and get the hell off my land before i crush you!