New tamriel Nationwide starting at the beginning of history, ID:2260539
Thanks, person who stole the idea of NWs from me
It really should re-open...
This was a pretty fun Nationwide, sad that it closed.
You could also like look at the dates on the comments, or even *gasp* read the description
If performance and storage was a problem, there are much less valuable saves that could be deleted. I attempt to add the tags "nationwide", "nation", and "wide" to every NW I see so that one could search one of those terms, and then sort by date to find active NWs. Another thing one could do, is just look at the date in the UI that you're viewing this message in (under the picture of the save, to the right of the uploader's name) to see the date it was last updated.
It would help Improve the speed of the server, and it would help other people find your active nationwides
@William justify that statement.
@KingWilliam if you ever become good at running NWs, then you can give *advice* to other people. Otherwise, don't.