41 / 2
17th Jan 2016
12th May 2016
KerbinWide is a Nationwide RPG that opened 1/31/16, and closed 3/9/16. Thank you <3
buynordiccoal giantponies nationwide nation betterthanwow dinosaurs vacuumairship kerbal 2015 onparwithwow


  • Windspren
    10th Mar 2016
    I use Ottoman cannons to shell Cody's capital and his palace.
  • Windspren
    10th Mar 2016
    Avi, remember when I had every battle-capable person train how to fight? My militia is basically 1/5 of my entire country, not counting my regular army.
  • Windspren
    10th Mar 2016
    There's 5k troops on my side, and Cody never sait that he trained a milita.
  • Avi_
    10th Mar 2016
    You were able to scrounge up about 1k militia.
  • Avi_
    10th Mar 2016
    Kevino, the troops attacking kevino's capital are met by 1k troops (the kind that I assume everyone leaves in their capital) and some militia, thanks to them and the fact that the capital is surrounded by, and is on a mountain, they were unable to take the capital.
  • Windspren
    10th Mar 2016
    As soon as my mercenaries reach Cody's capital and capture it, I take all the money there and use it to pay the mercenaries and hire more ones to help my forces in KaiHan's land.
  • Windspren
    10th Mar 2016
    I send in my militia troops.
  • Avi_
    10th Mar 2016
    Kevino, some mercenaries are with cody in the war in kaihan, allowing him to gain ground.
  • Windspren
    10th Mar 2016
    My much larger economy would easily make up for that.
  • Windspren
    10th Mar 2016
    Cody, for the last time, I will offer you peace if you withdraw from KaiHan's land and stay off of the Eastern Continent. Otherwise, bad things will happen to your capital.