12th Jan 2016
13th Jan 2016
This is mars, this save is dirrectly connected to my modern europewide save and here you are supposed to post your terraforming and colonising orders
@ButterSquids i actually invested into the same thing, then im gonna colonize the planet.
I start sending tunneling robots to tunnel deep into the marsian soil and rock. Thwy will build a large uninhabited, high security abse with storage rooms and automated robot repair and construction worshop. It will takee about 20 years :P
Don't worry this isn't dead, it will be resurected in about two weeks and will come back as the greatest thing ever
I think that this, along with the Europe NW, is dead.
plus I could've dammed the river and sold it to you.
For brewing, you idiot.
Why do you want all the water? Your NKRs don't need water!
QAIHM sends 10 nuclear killer robots to the southern water "source" claiming it as his.
Mars's poles don't really have that much water. They're mostly frozen CO2.
I expand more into the crater.