Hi. You've just been hired to work in my firework factory. Your job is to watch the FWRK accumulate and periodically pull the lever to drop it into the storage chamber. The job sucks, the pay is minimal, but you get to take home as much FWRK as you want.
everything counts in large amounts
nice. simple. like it.
Btw nice save matera also you could have made it 100% netron powerd neuts set off those fireworks as well!
Make sure its in large amounts
well I found out a way to crash the game using consol first have some ttan then change it to spark using consol make sure its paused then et the life to 100000000 then add prot and unpause (may not work all the time but its done it a few times for me)
WTF is this doing on FP?
I got CO2 poisoning and sue the factory for everything they own
I attached a battery to the lever and went home. Then I got paid :P
*Monotone voice* wow I get to take home my very own FWRK. I am so excited. I love my job. Heil Merkel.
wow i never knew that