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Correction: REALLY late.
Mmkay, I know it's kinda late, but I fitted it out with a new randomizer that should produce less lines of 3.
Reach 100000000 if i want just go out of the game
Yeah, the 3-at-a-time thing needs to be fixed. :l
My favorite tv show is the amazing wolrd of gumbal xDDD
I got a full line of three pretty early on. At somepoint there's no skill, just luck. It's a good concept, it just needs a safeguard or two!
you cant win because there are 3 side by side :[
wow, got a full line of three on the first ever wave, lol +1
@the8BitPotato this isnt technically a randomizer because it turns on more than 1 output at the same time.
VERY very hard.