This is civillisation, make your kingdom. Name it, invade other kingdoms, have wars, increase soliders, lower and increase popularity with your civillians. The wood signifies villages, if you attack one, it becomes part of your territory.
Can I have a small kingdom named Gibbon, green and at the small southwest island, thank you.
Added you in :) Ypu can't have it all though, just say in chat you want to invade a villager or go on a ship...
Great idea but nobody wants to play it... so can I have all of it?
not pig big Soz
I'll have the pig one in the middle plz and blue thanks
oh. Ah well, at least I tried
i love that people try and make community dynamic saves but people just arnt interested anymore
I'm active pretty much every day.
Comment to make a territory, pick a colour and name.
Battle screen works by smudging 2 people's colours togther, whoever has the most of the origonal colour left wins