blueflame: If jacob1 didnt ban this save its because he doesnt need.
He still need to give credit.
I hate haters... Sry admins i got out of control... This wont happen again
xXFuzzeeXx: Okay, we all now, first, this is HIS frikin' save, so if he wants to use lines of destructive material HE CAN DO IT and you have NO RIGHTS to say what he must add and what he must not. Second, this is a closed save, so its bot published, it can only be accesed by his ID. And the only place he placed the ID is on the original creator's save. So theres NO REASON to put credit, we all know that the microwave belongs to the other guy. SO SHUUUUUT UUUUUP!
Forgot to add this, you never even gave a single bit of credit for the original creator of that machine. You even used the buttons and casing.
You used it to draw lines of destructive material all over the screen, and it wasn't even all lightning. -1