This is the new mothership for RC Industries. After the fall of Patriam, an old RC-I managed to escape the Hjemstee galaxy. At Kanvaal, it was rebuilt.
Ok, no hard feelings, hope I didn't offend you... Thanks for the input everyone! :D
I'm not trying to convince you to fix the "problem", I'm just proving that it is possible to get it to burn.
@everyoneWhoComplainedAboutBurningEngines: In that case, you shouldn't be controlling a spaceship >_> It's an advanced piece of machinery, not a chew toy. If you melt the engine because you misuse it, it's not exactly a design flaw :P
Turn the engine on and off quickly, so that only 1 spark gets through. If you repeat this a few times, some of the metal on the outside of the engine will melt, and burn the insl
I'm not using your engine designs in MY ship. This is RC technology. I pride myself in being original. Also, no, the INSL does not burn. Two layers (PTCT and BRCK) is enough to prevent burning. If it burns, you are probably using a mod, or are doing something wrong.
Here is a better engine design I made: id:1840855. Instead of using DLAY and NSCN to turn the engine off, it uses FUSE, which will turn into PLSM as soon as the engine stops being powered.
it cloaks, because it bends the light around it +1
better engine electronics: id:1625772
The insl burns because of the plasma, not ambient heat