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Note to self: If christhebla hands me a soda, make sure it doesn't contain diesel. +1
1000* Keyboard messes up somehow
And it's well above 100 views too.
Thank you TPT community. This is my first save above 1000 views.
@V8-SAINT Anyone can join as long as you supply a bomb (tell me ID). @Sourec I just did this for fun basically. I didn't think it would end up on FP.
chris can i join the tnt club? i did make the awsmome customise me! foor you
Use Vibranium. When Under negative pressure it loses energy so It can intake heat without gaining energy to explode.
This is cool and all, but I'd love to see realistic (heat pump-based) refrigeration techniques on TPT. I've already submitted a pull request for freon/liquid freon, but haven't got a response yet.
kk thanks chris
Okay I'll get rid of credit if you really want me to. And @V8-SAINT I'll check that right now