Hey all! I made this a while ago and finally finished it today. It's a futuristic (like 2080?) themed city on a small island complete with a nuclear reactor! Please enjoy and if you liked this please feel free to check out some of my other work! c: <3
@falseKing007 It's a small island because in some places like Kiribati where rising sea levels are essentially flooding the entire country the majority of the population will eventially be forced to move to areas of higher ground. Due to the majority of the country being so low down in comparrison to the sea level a few areas will be high enough however they wouldn't be large areas, thus why it's a small island c:
The entire planet is covered with water except this one spot
FalseKing007, perhaps it was a military base, and it got bigger and bigger, then after it was decided it wasn't needed anymore, they used the left over buildings to start a tourist atraction, which eventualy turned into a city?????? i don't know ask turnerdude
This is a cool landscape. +1. But it defies logic. Why a small island, I don't know.
Not bad, this is actually pretty good
Favorited, plus one, i love it.
great work ! nice details ! +1
3rd comment
and me!
it seems there are no comments.... until me