This is an amplifier that will not be effected by emp as opposed to transistors that are designed with NTCT, PTCT, NCSN, or PCSN. These valves are a bit finnicky with heat.
Dozjon_K: They do and need that much time to heat up sometimes.
Are these triodes, terodes or pentodes?
Ich finde die Roehrenverstraerker richtig genial und ueber die Funktionsweise bin ich angenehm ueberascht :-)
You should use TUNG. It heats up super fast!
amlifiers doesnt work like that and its very unstable i mean amplification is always different like ~3-12 times
But as for your no. 3 I don't see what could be going wrong, it works as an amplifier if you have constant current to the heater and add a spark to the input. Maybe try again?
Dozjon_K, I understand that tubes don't really work that way, but after tinkering with about two dozen different designs, this was one of the more effective and reliable designs I made. Also, although you don't really need to wait the full time for the standby light to shut off, I made it so the light would shut off when the tubes are at thier most optimal operating temperature.
There's a t there.. try copying and pasteing the text...
4 whydid'tyoukjustputthatinto1comment?
3 it in't amplifying