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30th Jun 2015
30th Jun 2015
it looks not normal


  • wypman
    15th Sep 2015
    i molt it turn it normal than broke it and put it back normal but it looks like this
  • Technomancer
    30th Jun 2015
    You can also manually control the colour by using the console or PROP tool to set tmp2 for QRTZ particles. The normal, natural range is from 0 to 10 - higher is brighter, and 10 is white. You can set negative values (darker colours - -10 is black and therefore invisible without needing to use deco), but annoyingly if you use this in a save or stamp, when you load it the tmp2 will be reset to something that the game considers a 'legal' value.
  • Technomancer
    30th Jun 2015
    I'm guessing you made this by starting with another element and then changing the type to QRTZ. The colour of QRTZ is determined by its tmp2 value, which is randomly set when the element is placed. Whatever element you started with obviously has a fixed tmp2 value, and the particles retained the same value after you changed the type.