ReCAPTCHASucks: Thank you like i said i was a dumbass kid back then no idea what i was doing
This is overblown... where did OP state tthat they hated Russians?
tebe ponravitsa kogda tak nad amerikoy
. Actions aimed at inciting hatred or enmity, and also on humiliation of dignity of a person or group of persons on grounds of sex, race, nationality, language, origin, attitude to religion, and likewise affiliation to any social group, committed publicly or through mass media or information and telecommunications networks, including network "Internet", - (as amended by Federal law from 28.06.2014 N 179-FZ)
i may not be from russia but you basterd
dude you stole the city. congratz. so good it gets a vote down.
you nasty theif rrrraaaaaaaaarrrrr