@Catelite Yeah I can remove a few.
FIxed a small bug, and added a target.
@powder12321: You can copy it.
Ok for anyone who dislikes this save: I am prefectly with fine with what you think, but I have not made anything on this game for something like 5 months; I had no intention of it being an FP save; There is nothing in this which is useless (IE the FILT and WIFI trash); and finally; I know that this can be done with CONV and whatnot (I have done it myself) I just wanted to do it a different way.
You can make the same thing with 4 pixels. Conv, pscn, brty and aray.
@00yoshi if you -1 for something being done better before might as well -1 90% of TPT saves. As with all you people advertising saves, you publish for a reason dont mooch of of others popularity just so you can get someone to "+1" your save. Lastly, who cares how it could have been done "better", does it work? yes, does it do what it was meant to do? yes.
nijalninja98, it is not a "CONV glitch", overwise conv thing will be fixed. Conv thing using elements ids, that's all.