This Is In Work In Progress New Descrpition Will be added soon as also this would be put in my first home page :D! Now cya in my next game guys!. CYA LATER BRAHS!... And Enjoy... Cya Later!.
Uh... F.... Haha... Thanks Powder Toy... Uhhh Don't pay attention to that hah heh... Omfg... Uh er.... So omg... Don't pay attention to that and just play the game >.> (Copied it too much xD...) Stupid 500 Limits... ;3; xD... Why does roblox and powder toy and most things have to copy twiter's waaay?!. Meh enjoy! and cya later!.
Thanks. Every like makes a noob happy xD Lol... Oor everylike makes a noob be a noob. Lol Jk. If i spend A LOOOT of hours on this i might have done it for the next day but its really late so am not gonna have time to build more but i hope you liked my future City Guys. #AndCyainMyNextGame!. #PeaceOutAndCyaLater!.)
(Do anything to it .3. burn it,nuke it,UNDERGROUNDBURNIT!... Hwhe Am so evil... Anyways Thanks so much!, and this game will be done in about a few days like maybe 2 or even maybe 3 but it gonna take a lot of hours so it would be really thankful if you liked it.
Woah already 2 Views and 2 likes?. Amazing!. Thanks guys!. It would be very thankful if you likes and played :D. This city is in work in progress the brick people are the people btw... Lol that tottalu made sence xD. Thanks for playing!. And enjoy the future city!.