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22nd Feb 2015
22nd Feb 2015
AKA the OPEESU This is %100 made by me when I wanted some way to store enormus amounts of power (about over 10K sparks) and then I added the oil generator to charge it. Mention my name if you use this. I lost a work to some fool so just say its from me.
power electricity simple system selfpowered deut battery


  • groudon
    22nd Feb 2015
    Side note: There is decoration. forgot to make it use it on starting the save so if you modify the engine and or battery remove or redo the deco. Thanks :)
  • groudon
    22nd Feb 2015
    First view and comment is less than a minute of first uploading it... I have a feeling this will do good. feel free to make the tank bigger or minor modifications like moving a few wires. (Forgot to add that in the description)
  • gatpotzi
    22nd Feb 2015
    Is this 2015? first veiw doe :) i like it