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14th Jan 2015
15th Jan 2015
I decided to copy down my physics in order to demonstrate its painfulness. The world will know my pain.
wutdafu math equation physics gauss magnetism definitionoflife


  • bernardching
    16th Mar 2023
    aw my god what the heck you talking about?? (im in primary)
  • TSspazz
    16th Jan 2015
    Actually, yes is does, a lot, Thanks!
  • Qwert_Yuiop
    15th Jan 2015
    1) An infinite wire's field is radial and the "E" (i dunno how it's translated to english, but know what it is) only depends on the distance to that wire, while a finite wire's field is much more intricate, as "E" changes when you move along the wire. 2) It's not constant, it is bound to "sigma". Hope that helped.
  • TSspazz
    15th Jan 2015
    If you understand this, could you please explain why the wire needs to be infinite in length, with infinite charge, if its only charge density that matters? Also why is there even an equation for the infinite plane if it's essentially a constant? Thank you.
  • iawbrooks
    15th Jan 2015
    Mine hurts from your stupidity.