It's a lift! *wshrrrrrrrrrr*
Of course I also have no idea who is or is not a pervert unless they admit it or proof is generated. So if I assumed anything falsely, just correct me. We all know that powder12321 was not specifically trying to make a penis. Many people just have a fairly disturbing look on the world, TPT is not a place for perversion or anything even remotely related to porn. Keep it clean people!
@Jackson_Gaming: You have no idea whether powder12321 is actually a pervert. If powder12321 was trying to suggest a penis, then why the heck would he POST IT PUBLICLY ONLINE?!?! Good greif! And the fact that that thought even crossed your mind proves you have a perverted outlook on the world.
Cool! This is awesome, who cares if the effect has been done before, powder12321 certainly didn't know about it, put yourself in his/her shoes, "I just figured this new thing out! I'mma save it!" I did that several times actually. It's unfair to criticise someone for re-discovering a cool thing, right?. +1
STOP CRITIZIZING THE GUY! ok sure its not a first and mabye its a little slow and mabye its a trick of bcol and oil but HE GAVE IT A TRY!
two things: this is by no means a new effect its been done before, and the two big ones use bcol to displace the soap, and the oilis whats really lifting them.
cool! iv'e used this to make liquid-solid hybrid
@ThePersonToTheRight. agreed :/