55 / 13
28th Dec 2014
9th Jan 2015
No Description provided.
faster weired soap elevator 1babybaby 2wonderful weird oilevator fountain


  • 123me
    6th Apr 2016
    It's a lift! *wshrrrrrrrrrr*
  • Koox
    4th Jan 2015
    Of course I also have no idea who is or is not a pervert unless they admit it or proof is generated. So if I assumed anything falsely, just correct me. We all know that powder12321 was not specifically trying to make a penis. Many people just have a fairly disturbing look on the world, TPT is not a place for perversion or anything even remotely related to porn. Keep it clean people!
  • Koox
    4th Jan 2015
    @Jackson_Gaming: You have no idea whether powder12321 is actually a pervert. If powder12321 was trying to suggest a penis, then why the heck would he POST IT PUBLICLY ONLINE?!?! Good greif! And the fact that that thought even crossed your mind proves you have a perverted outlook on the world.
  • Koox
    4th Jan 2015
    Cool! This is awesome, who cares if the effect has been done before, powder12321 certainly didn't know about it, put yourself in his/her shoes, "I just figured this new thing out! I'mma save it!" I did that several times actually. It's unfair to criticise someone for re-discovering a cool thing, right?. +1
  • emporer5
    4th Jan 2015
    STOP CRITIZIZING THE GUY! ok sure its not a first and mabye its a little slow and mabye its a trick of bcol and oil but HE GAVE IT A TRY!
  • Gollum_Tech
    3rd Jan 2015
    two things: this is by no means a new effect its been done before, and the two big ones use bcol to displace the soap, and the oilis whats really lifting them.
  • Kubinator
    31st Dec 2014
    Yeah, sure, "lift" :>
  • the-gaming-rice
    31st Dec 2014
  • the-gaming-rice
    31st Dec 2014
    cool! iv'e used this to make liquid-solid hybrid
  • NukeItGood
    31st Dec 2014
    @ThePersonToTheRight. agreed :/